Information dam line: BWP-25
1° DAM: JAVELINE, E-LABEL, Jump. 1m30
Offspring: Opaline (Jamal vd Heffinck), Jump. 1m45
Offspring: Olimpic Star (Laudanum XX), approved stallion, Jump. 1m60 – Valine (Clinton), Jump. 1m60 – Don Quichot (Quite Easy), approved stallion, Int. Dr. – Hitchcock (Contact van de Heffinck), Jump. 1m30 – Idealist (Cooper vd Heffinck), Jump. 1m20 – Jarnac (Diabeau), Jump. 1m30
Urano v/d Posterie comes from the breeding stable of Johan Lannoo, which produced several 1m60 stallions like Tresor and Olimpic Star. He is an excellent stallion with growth potential. He has a good conformation and has functional gaits. He is attentive during the jumping under the saddle test and he shows a very good use of his body, qualities that are much wanted in the show jumping sport.
Type :
Urano v/d Posterie is sportive and has a good rectangular conformation. He could have slightly more stallion expression. The neck has a good length and is well-shaped. The back and loins are well-shaped and the hindquarter is well-developed.
Legs :
The legs have much length and show sufficient bone. His right front leg is a little toed out. He has good feet.
Movements :
The walk has ample ground cover and a goood impulsion and suppleness. His trot is strong with a good ground cover, suppleness and impulsion. The canter is covering, with a good impulsion, but could have more self-carriage. He shows covering and rhythmical movements on hard ground.
Free jumping :
He has sufficient overview on the line during free jumping. The front leg technique is sufficient. He could lift his withers slightly more. He shows good power.
Riding under test riders :
Urano v/d Posterie gives the riders a good feeling under the saddle. His willingness to work and ‘rittigkeit’ are good. The feeling in the mouth is good. His movements have ample ground cover but he could have a little more impulsion. His canter is ground covering but could be more closed.
Jumping under the saddle :
He jumps easily and skilled under the saddle. He has good reflexes and his front leg technique is good. He uses his body well on the jump. He shows good power.
Evaluation dam : Javeline, °2009, 1m65 (issued in 2012)
Javeline has a good rectangular conformation. The head-neck connection is light. The neck has ample length and is slightly vertical. The shoulder is amply long and the position is a little straight. The withers is amply developed. The middle section is slightly deep. The hindquarter is well-muscled. The legs are amply developed and the stance is correct. The bulbs are a little low. The ground cover in her movements is sufficient. The trot has a good impulsion.
This report concerns a evaluation of the stallion during the second and/or third phase of the BWP stallion selection. It is a description of the observations during these moments. Depending on the further development of the stallion some characteristics can change.
BARAQUE VAN 'T VELDHOEK | 20-05-2024 |
BONSLY BAECKELAND | 06-04-2024 |
BE-CRU VD VIJF EIKEN | 14-06-2024 |