Foal registration

You can register your foals at several Belgian Studbooks at BWP: Belgian Warmblood – BWP, Belgian Riding Pony (BRp), the Connemara Pony Belgium, the Dartmoor Pony Belgium and the Harness Horse Belgium.

Your horse will receive the official BWP passport after registration with BWP. This passport is much more than just an identity card. It is a certificate of registration in the official studbook and a quality label for horses and ponies. Horses with a BWP passport guarantee quality and are highly regarded in the equestrian world.

Here you can find all practical information on foal registration at BWP, BRp, Connemara, Harness Horse and Dartmoor.

Register your foal

How do you register your foal?


Registering your foal with BWP is very simple. Follow this roadmap and receive your horse’s BWP passport.

  1. Register your foal through the BWP foal registration at this website.
  2. You will receive a confirmation e-mail.
  3. BWP registers the data of your foal and will allocate a unique life number.
  4. You will receive an e-mail with all relevant information and an invoice from the BWP.

For foals in Belgium:

  1. You will receive an e-mail from Horse ID with the details for the online payment.
  2. In case you not yet have an account, you will be asked to create an account.
  3. Your veterinarian will receive the identification file from Horse ID after your payment is received by Horse ID. 
  4. You set up a meeting with the veterinarian. 
  5. The veterinarian visits and makes the identification. He/she also takes the necessary hair samples.
  6. The veterinarian sends the identification file digitally to HorseID.
    The hair samples of foal and dam should be sent to BWP - Waversebaan 99 - 3050 Oud-Heverlee. Both samples should be placed separately in a sealed plastic bag with the name and UELN number of the sample. For pony foals, it is necessary to send the original stud card by mail to BWP.
  7. HorseID processes all data - BWP sends the hair samples to the lab. 
  8. Once all necessary info is available, DNA approved and invoices paid, BWP sends the passport. Horse ID provides the confirmation of encoding.

For foals from abroad:

- Contact the veterinarian to make a description of the markings, takes the necessary hair samples and will micro-chip the foal. 

- Please send all info to BWP.

- The data will be processed by the computer.

- The hair samples will be send to the lab.

- When all the necessary information is complete, the DNA is approved and the invoices paid, the passport will be send by BWP and Horse ID sends you the confirmation of the encoding.


When do you have to register your foal?

You have to register your foal within six months of birth, preferably as soon as possible after the foal’s birth, so the secretariat has all data available in case the foal will compete or will be auctioned.

Register your foal after birth via our foal registration, a very simple and fast tool. The registration process will start immediately.


Focus areas

Keep these focus areas in mind when you register your foal with BWP:


Registering the foal

The data you enter initially upon registration are the most important! Check if all data are correct. It is not possible to change the data afterwards. Data can only be changed by explicit request or court ruling.

  • Is the name of the foal spelled correctly?
  • Are the correct breeder and owner mentioned in the form?


DNA research

All BWP-foals will undergo a parentage verification.

  • Is the result of the DNA research negative? The breeder will be informed and we will ask for new hair samples. A second parentage verification will be executed. The passport of the foal will only be issued if the result of the DNA parentage verification is positive.


Suggestions names for foals

No inspiration to find a name for your foal?

Every year studbooks decide with what initial the name of new horses and ponies should be. The name of a BWP foal start with the initial ‘C’ in 2025. The name of a BRp foal starts with ‘G’ this year. Below you find a list with examples for inspiration.

Name suggestions


Our rates

Discover all our rates for foal registration.



Conditions for foal registration per studbook

Every studbook has several conditions for foal registration.



The descent of a Belgian Warmblood Horse determines in which section and class the foal will be registered. Foals can be registered in three classes:

Class I

Foals are registered in Class I if:

  • Their sire = a BWP approved stallion/BWP recognized stallions (approved for a riding horse studbook which is a member of the WBFSH –;
  • Their dam = BWP mare/BWP recognized mare (registered with a riding horse studbook which is a member of the WBFSH –, or registered with a thoroughbred, anglo-arabian or trotter studbook in the EU or USA);
  • At least three generations consist of BWP stallions, BWP dams, BWP recognized stallions or BWP recognized dams.

Class II

Foals are registered in Class II if:

  • Their sire or dam does not meet the conditions of Class I;
  • Their sire and dam are at least registered in the additional section of the studbook or in a corresponding register of one of the recognized studbooks.

Additional section

The foals are registered in the additional section if:

  • They meet the breed standard but do not meet the conditions of Class I or II.

Foals of the Belgian Riding pony can be registered if:

The sire is registered in one of the following categories:

  • The BRp stallions
  • The recognized stallions (for the studbook of the Belgian Riding pony)
  • The approved or recognized stallions of the Connemara Pony Belgium, if the dam is not a Connemera pony
  • The approved or recognized stallions of the Dartmoor Belgium, if the dam is not a Dartmoor pony

If the dam’s identity documents mention that:

  • She is registered with BRp;
  • She is a Connemara pony and the sire is not;
  • She is a Welsh pony and the sire is not;
  • She is registered with a studbook in the EU which is recognized by the Belgian Riding pony studbook;
  • She is a pure bred New Forest pony or Dartmoor pony.

Belgian Riding pony foals can be registered in three different books. The combination of sire and dam determines in which book the foals will be registered. Depending on which book they were registered they can participate in several competitions and showings.

On the website of the Connemara Pony Belgium you will find more information on this studbook.

We use the conditions of studbook KWPN for the registration of harness horse foals.

We use the conditions of the English studbook for the registration of Dartmoor foals.