On January 10 we will auction some high quality stallions at the BWP Stallion Selection. Are you looking for the successor to Oscar The Homage, Panther JVH, Picasso vd Zwartbleshoeve,....? These are all references sold through our auction!
Curious about the collection? Click here.
So, the Top Stallion Auction is scheduled on Friday January, 10 at 8pm at Azelhof. Be sure to reserve your VIP table for that evening! Contact: Geert Helsen - 0479/29 82 92.
Of course, the auction can also be followed via livestream.
To place a bid during the auctions, it is necessary to register in advance at www.bwp.auction
Click here for the auction conditions of the Top Stallion Auction.
So, have a look at the collection and register yourself.
Administration & Organization Auction: Lieve De Greeff: +32 497 538 982
Commercial advice Top Stallion Auction:
Tom Van De Vijver: +32 476 442 185
Sven Bols: +32 495 551 405
Veterinary advice BWP Top Stallion Auction : On simple request via info@bwp.be - Frederik Pille